Social media job descriptions and interviews

This week I’ve asked my Twitter contacts for help. I need copies of job descriptions for creative industries jobs (basically design for web & print) for a class exercise coming up in a month or so. I didn’t get that much feedback (but thanks to the folk who retweeted and who did write to me).… Conti

This week I’ve asked my Twitter contacts for help. I need copies of job descriptions for creative industries jobs (basically design for web & print) for a class exercise coming up in a month or so.

I didn’t get that much feedback (but thanks to the folk who retweeted and who did write to me). The responses I did get were from businesses which you could broadly say worked in social media, and were start ups. To summarise what they said:

Job descriptions and job titles are so passé

The emails I got said things like ” we don’t really do those” or “job titles don’t fit with what we do”. I also heard accounts of recruitment happening through online and offline networks to fill posts in a very loose and informal way. And yes Twitter loomed quite large over that.I’m not sure how much of this is an outward display of cool – a hipster ethos at the heart of the business – or how much of it is “actually we kinda didn’t get round to that because we’re still learning what we do”. I’m also a bit hazy on the legals of this sort of thing. How do you discipline someone without a JD if they let you down? How do they progress, and get regular reviews if they have nothing to shoot for? One for the HR folk out there…I still need those JDs if anyone has them